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        1 - بررسی موانع و راهکارهای ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه (مورد کاوی شرکت توزیع نیروی برق تهران بزرگ )
        masoud shafiee Mohammad رحمانپوری morteza bahadori
        Relationship industry and universities is an issue that in recent years has repeatedly been investigated in respect of experts and Different aspects of the technical aspects have been analyzed and evaluated , Given the profound impact that this type of Relationship bein More
        Relationship industry and universities is an issue that in recent years has repeatedly been investigated in respect of experts and Different aspects of the technical aspects have been analyzed and evaluated , Given the profound impact that this type of Relationship being left on the endogenous development In strategic areas such as self-reliance, knowledge and ... Has a direct and immediate impact Multiple solutions, diverse, and sometimes conflicting, as the policy is proposed and implemented. In this paper, inspired by the theme of this research project is The relationship between universities and industry in developed countries and Iran A synopsis of research and development in these countries, including Iran, The methods and channels of communication between industry and the University of Electric Power Industry. The mining techniques to analyze the functional relationship between the universities of Tehran Electricity Distribution Company paid in recent years After investigating the relationship between the company and its position at the SWOT points to important problems and obstacles in establishing these relationships Finally, the analysis and consideration of critical success factors in establishing and developing communication strategies, Management and operational strategies that can be implemented as a five year implementation schedule And institutional development and greater communication with the university to establish the relevance of Tehran Electricity Distribution Company Manuscript profile
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        2 - Designing a Framework for Business-Universities Knowledge Flow Modeling
        Mohammad Ghaem Tajgardoon mohammadtaghi manzouri habibi habibi
        ارتباط کارامد دانشگاه و صنعت مسأله‌ای است که محققین حوزه‌های مختلف چه در صنعت و چه در دانشگاه به دنبال یافتن راه‌کارهایی برای رفع مشکلات آن هستند. در یک دسته‌بندی می‌توان راه‌کارهای ارائه شده را مبتنی بر سه رهیافت عمل‌گرا، نهادگرا و ماهیت‌گرا دانست. راه‌کارهای عمل‌گرا د More
        ارتباط کارامد دانشگاه و صنعت مسأله‌ای است که محققین حوزه‌های مختلف چه در صنعت و چه در دانشگاه به دنبال یافتن راه‌کارهایی برای رفع مشکلات آن هستند. در یک دسته‌بندی می‌توان راه‌کارهای ارائه شده را مبتنی بر سه رهیافت عمل‌گرا، نهادگرا و ماهیت‌گرا دانست. راه‌کارهای عمل‌گرا در پی اثربخشی سریع بوده و عمدتاَ با شتابزدگی در عمل نیز مواجه هستند. راه‌کارهای نهادگرا به دنبال نقش دادن به نهادهای واسط نظیر دولت به عنوان حلقه مفقوده ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه هستند. رهیافت ماهیت‌گرا صنعت را مظهر فنّاوری یا علم تجاری شده و دانشگاه را تولید کننده دانش می‌دانند. اگرچه این رهیافت‌ها هریک از زاویه‌ای به ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه می‌نگرند لیکن همگی قائل به جریان دانش مناسب در زمان و مکان میان دانشگاه و صنعت هستند. در این مقاله، یک پژوهش توسعه‌ای و مبتنی بر مطالعه کتابخانه‌ای به انجام رسیده است و از میان 47 مقاله منتشر شده در مجلات معتبر علمی در حوزه مدیریت دانش، تعداد 12 مدل استخراج شده و از میان آنها 4 مدل که دارای کاربرد عام بوده و اعتبارسنجی آنها نیز گزارش شده بود به عنوان مدل‌های منتخب جهت به‌کارگیری در ارتباط دانشگاه و صنعت بررسی و مقایسه شده‌اند. در این مقایسه تطابق این مدل‌ها با رهیافت‌های مذکور مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و استفاده از این مدل‌ها در ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه امکان‌سنجی شده است. سپس با استفاده از نتایج حاصل از مقایسه، یک چارچوب مفهومی برای مدل‌سازی جریان دانش در ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه ارائه شده که با استفاده از آن می‌توان یک نگرش جامع به مدل‌سازی جریان دانش در ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه داشت. این چارچوب مبتنی بر چارچوب زکمن است و چهار جنبه از چارچوب زکمن را از شش منظر و سطح وقوع جریان‌های دانشی برای مدل‌سازی جریان‌های دانش میان دانشگاه و صنعت بررسی می‌کند. ارزیابی چارچوب ارائه شده از طریق ارائه مدل جریان دانش صنعت و دانشگاه به انجام رسیده است. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Model and Guiding Framework for Innovative and Entrepreneurial University
        reza mahdi masoud shafiee
        Moving on the path of innovation and entrepreneurship (value-creating) and fulfilling the desired social responsibility is one of the axes of the evolution of universities in recent years, especially in the last two decades. Innovative and value-creating university, for More
        Moving on the path of innovation and entrepreneurship (value-creating) and fulfilling the desired social responsibility is one of the axes of the evolution of universities in recent years, especially in the last two decades. Innovative and value-creating university, for which various definitions have been proposed and various dimensions and criteria have been proposed for its introduction and creation, is one of the new initiatives and ideas for transformation in university systems. Despite identifying and introducing various components and criteria for an innovative and value-creating university, creating this type of university and purposeful and managed movement in the path of innovation and entrepreneurship requires a comprehensive roadmap and a balanced action guide. In order to evolve and achieve a comprehensive model, a guideline framework consisting of eight dimensions, as an action plan and operational model of an innovative and value-creating university by the European Commission and OECD, design and more than 600 universities and higher education institutes in Europe and OECD has evaluated this model. In this paper, through a review of documents, the guide to innovative and value-creating university is introduced as a guide for mainly European programs, for the gradual and systematic transformation of existing universities into innovative and value-creating universities with local considerations. All Iranian universities and higher education institutions with any mission, by learning and adapting actively and productively from this framework and gradually adapting their conditions to its dimensions and criteria, can take fundamental steps in the path of innovation and entrepreneurship and become an innovative and value-creating university in the Relation of Industry and University, Innovative and Entrepreneurial University, Value-creating University, Third Generation University, Guiding Framework for Innovative Higher Education Institute (HEInnovative)true and actual word. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Investigating the role of university-industry cooperation in the development of countries with a look at global policies and trade
        masoud shafiee hajar safaheih
        Scientific, industrial, economic and social growth and development has always been considered as the most important concern of policy makers in all societies and in the present era, achieving this development is one of the major goals of any country. One of the most wel More
        Scientific, industrial, economic and social growth and development has always been considered as the most important concern of policy makers in all societies and in the present era, achieving this development is one of the major goals of any country. One of the most well-known factors influencing societies in achieving promotion and development is the bilateral cooperation between universities and industries, so that without a proper link between these institutions, the desired development of a society far from imaginable will be. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of this type of cooperation in the development of countries and also to identify and compare the policies, strategies and global experiences of a number of leading countries such as the United States, Britain, Japan and Turkey in this regard. This research was conducted using the library method and content analysis approach, and at the end, solutions for fruitful models to promote university-industry cooperation in the country are presented. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Prioritizing obstacles of industry - university interaction in order to develop of intelligent urban transportation infrastructures using Fuzzy AHP
        Hamzeh Amin-Tahmasbi aboozar ghorbani
        Any society to achieve real and sustainable development goals requires continuous interaction between scientific and technical institutions, takes form in the template of university and industry. In fact, universities are generating knowledge and transferring it to scho More
        Any society to achieve real and sustainable development goals requires continuous interaction between scientific and technical institutions, takes form in the template of university and industry. In fact, universities are generating knowledge and transferring it to scholars, the industry also works to apply knowledge and shares its expectations to university research teams, and they present their ideas, findings and outcomes to the industry. Transportation science also is no exception, and in recent years, it has introduced and implemented new technologies called Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in universal level. Studies in Iran show that transferring knowledge between university and intelligent transportation industry face challenges and obstacles that have led industry owners to the direction of assembling imported components and escaping from universities. This study aims to explanation and interpretation of viewpoints of university and industry section experts about obstacles that affect transferring knowledge between these two institutions in line with implementation of intelligent urban transportation. In this research, firstgy determined effective indices of industry – university interaction obstacles by searching library and documentation resources. Fuzzy Delfi is used to sieve indices and identifying final submeasures. As 43 suggested obstacles were initially available to transportation science experts and by this technic, at first stage 27 obstacles and then, 15 obstacles were chosen for evaluation and ranking. Ranking was also done though fuzzy AHP. Results showed that lack of necessary infrastructures in ITS industry, and lack of applicability in science production areb the main obstacles of industry – university interaction in order to develop infrastructures of intelligent urban transportation Manuscript profile