• Gahrazeh.Sanaz The Effect of Technological Readiness and Foreign Capital on Economic Complexity in the Selected oil Countries [ Vol.11, Issue 22 - Autumn - Winter Year 1401]
  • gashtasbi.mohammad Examining the effect of knowledge integration capability on technological innovation and strategic performance:a case of pharmaceutical firms in Iran [ Vol.5, Issue 10 - Autumn - Winter Year 1395]
  • ghabezi.rohollah ivvestigation of human resource productivity fot research center(case study:research institute of petrolume industry) [ Vol.2, Issue 3 - Spring - Summer Year 1392]
  • ghabezi.rohollah Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Productivity for Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [ Vol.5, Issue 9 - Spring - Summer Year 1395]
  • Ghaderi Zefreh.Elham Pathology of Selection and Appointment Primary School Principals in District 5 of Isfahan [ Vol.11, Issue 21 - Spring - Summer Year 1401]
  • ghaderifa.esmaiel The Emerging Knowledge base Business Technology Commerce Pattern [ Vol.7, Issue 13 - Spring - Summer Year 1397]
  • Ghaderifar.Ismail Presenting a Model to Improve the Performance of Government Organizations with Emphasis on Innovation and Organizational Values: An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach [ Vol.10, Issue 19 - Spring - Summer Year 1400]
  • ghaffari.mohammad Analyzing the Role of Collaborative and Competitive Leader Conflict Management Styles in Innovative Performance of Entrepreneurial Teams (Case Study of Shiraz Industrial Companies) [ Vol.11, Issue 21 - Spring - Summer Year 1401]
  • ghanbari.siroos Examining the relationship between productivity characteristics of entrepreneurial managers and job performance [ Vol.4, Issue 8 - Autumn - Winter Year 1394]
  • ghanbari.siroos The Role of Academics' Boundary-Spanning in Organizational Innovation by Mediating Organizational Agility in Technical and Engineering Faculties of Tehran State Universities [ Vol.12, Issue 24 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • ghanipour.fateme Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and lifestyle, the strategy of entrepreneurship intention achievement (Case study: University of Jahad Applied Sciences in Markazi province- Nimvar branch) [ Vol.6, Issue 11 - Spring - Summer Year 1396]
  • gharibi.jalil Technology Valuation Analysis Based on Dynamic Systems Approach (Case Study: Teflon Container Industry) [ Vol.12, Issue 23 - Spring - Summer Year 1402]
  • Ghasemi.Elham The relationship between managers' business intelligence and organizational entrepreneurship (Case Study: Selected Branches of Bank Melli in Isfahan) [ Vol.9, Issue 18 - Autumn - Winter Year 1399]
  • ghasemi.hamidreza Designing an organizational entrepreneurship model In Iran's textile industry [ Vol.8, Issue 15 - Spring - Summer Year 1398]
  • ghasemzadeh.anahita Technical and vocational education quality and employability skills: a study of stakeholders ' views in Iran [ Vol.2, Issue 4 - Autumn - Winter Year 1392]
  • ghavami.abbas The effect of knowledge accumulation capabilities and organizational size incremental and radical innovation performance [ Vol.6, Issue 11 - Spring - Summer Year 1396]
  • ghayour baghbani.seyed morteza The effect of prototyping on the success of new product success with moderator role of customer involvement and Speed of information dissemination (case study: companies located in Khorasan Razavi Science and Technology Park) [ Vol.9, Issue 18 - Autumn - Winter Year 1399]
  • ghazinori.seied sepehr [ Vol.1, Issue 1 , 2 - Autumn - Winter Year 1391]
  • ghazinori.seied sepehr The framework for effectiveness of governmental interventions in R&D on firms performance; A meta-synthesis approach [ Vol.8, Issue 15 - Spring - Summer Year 1398]
  • ghazinori.seied sepehr Investigating the Impact of Citizens' Participation on Fintech [ Vol.11, Issue 21 - Spring - Summer Year 1401]
  • Ghiasi Nodooshan.Saeed University in Iran and their convergence with the adaptive University components (case study of Allameh Tabataba’i University) [ Vol.4, Issue 7 - Spring - Summer Year 1394]
  • gholami.mohammadreza The effect of customer ¬orientation and customer relationship management (CRM) infrastructure capabilities on innovative behavior [ Vol.9, Issue 18 - Autumn - Winter Year 1399]
  • Gholamzadeh.Zahra Analyzing the Role of Digital Transformation in Education by a Focus on Innovation with a Meta-Synthesis Method [ Vol.13, Issue 25 , 25 - Spring - Summer Year 1403]
  • gholizade.mohammad hassan The Effect of consumer innovativeness, personal characteristics on dairy new-product adoption in Mazandaran cities [ Vol.9, Issue 17 - Spring - Summer Year 1399]
  • Gholizadeh.Mansour Presenting a human resource development model focusing on productivity in the country's tax administration using the structural equation approach [ Vol.10, Issue 19 - Spring - Summer Year 1400]
  • ghoraeian.leila Prioritizing the Components of Educational-Behavioral Evaluation of Teachers and Principals of Tollou Schools [ Vol.13, Issue 25 , 25 - Spring - Summer Year 1403]
  • ghorbani.aboozar Prioritizing obstacles of industry - university interaction in order to develop of intelligent urban transportation infrastructures using Fuzzy AHP [ Vol.10, Issue 19 - Spring - Summer Year 1400]
  • Ghoreishi.Seyed Maseood Entrepreneurial marketing: A New Theory of Effective University-Industry Cooperation [ Vol.10, Issue 20 - Autumn - Winter Year 1400]
  • ghoroneh.davood The Role of Effective factors in Growth of New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs) in Mashhad City [ Vol.9, Issue 17 - Spring - Summer Year 1399]
  • Golzadeh.mohammad javad Analysis of the Impact of Innovation and the Mediating Role of Organizational Culture on the Organization's strategy (Case Study: Ports and Maritime Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [ Vol.13, Issue 25 , 25 - Spring - Summer Year 1403]
  • gomar.zahra Two-way development of complex product, case study of West Karun power plant [ Vol.8, Issue 15 - Spring - Summer Year 1398]