Comparison of the development process in Iran and Japan in the framework of Adrian Leftwich's Theory from 1850 to1900 AD
Subject Areas : General
Ehsan Eilshahi
sayyed atollah sinaee
Seyyed Khodayar Mortazavi Asl
1 - PhD student, Department of Political Science, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: The Developmental States, Developmental Elites, The Relative Independence of The States, Bureaucracy, International Platform,
Abstract :
Development is context-oriented, historical, and based on the life of the world and the psychological, social, and political characteristics of nations. The result of connection, convergence, non-interaction and divergence of different elements appears in such a context. Forward-looking research using the method of comparative institutionalism using Adrian Leftwich's developmental state theory to examine and compare the issue of economic development with a focus on the politics-state-development triad in Iran and Japan in the period of 1850-1900. The technique used in this research has been collecting and using available documents and statistics. The main question of the research is the level of autonomy of government institutions, the characteristics of the civil system, and the historical situation of Iran and Japan concerning the international system, how has it affected the experience of development in the historical period in question in these countries? The obtained results indicate that due to the creation of an independent government and the creation of a network of developmental elites based on a strong and coherent bureaucracy, Japan was able to achieve success by smoothing the appropriate international platform and on the way be development. However, due to the lack of proper bureaucracy and the establishment of an autonomous government, Iran could not achieve this important task, and therefore the issue of development for Iran remained a concept of regret and mystery
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