Analyzing the role of Mediating Intellectual Capital and Organizational Entrepreneurship in effect Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance (Case study)
Subject Areas : General
peyman akbari
kamran nazari
1 - Assistant Professor, Public Management Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 -
Keywords: Human Resources Management, Intellectual Capital, Organizational Entrepreneurship, Organizational Performance,
Abstract :
Purpose of this study is effect the role of Human resource management, intellectual capital and organizational entrepreneurship on organizational performance. The statistical population of this study is employees of Payame Noor University of Kermanshah Province.This study is descriptive-survey type of correlation research. For data collection, the standard questionnaire was used. To review the validity of the questionnaires was used content validity (The questionnaire confirmed by a group of university professors) and on the other side of convergent validity (average variance of output (AVE)) this illustrates the fact that the validity of the questionnaires is suitable. Reliability of the questionnaires was calculated with The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the questionnaires was examined (0.86, 0.80, 0.87 and 0.70) respectively. The results of testing hypotheses by SMART-PLS software (VERSION2) and using the t-test statistics and path coefficients (=), showed that a Human resource management has a strong, direct, and meaningful impact on intellectual capital But HRM has a strong, moderate, direct, indirect, and meaningful effect on organizational entrepreneurship and organizational performance,respectively, The results indicate that intellectual capital has a moderate, direct and significant impact on organizational entrepreneurship, Also, intellectual capital has a weak, direct, indirect and significant organizational effect on organizational performance, Finally, organizational entrepreneurship has a weak, direct and significant impact on organizational performance, As a result, the role of mediating intellectual capital and organizational entrepreneurship in the relationship of human resource management on organizational performance.
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