Effects of Network Structure, Knowledge Stock and Absorptive Capacity on Innovative Performance of Knowledge- Based Companies
Subject Areas : General
Morteza Akbari
saheb imani
roya mahmoudi
hoda abedi
hadi toloasl
1 - University of Tehran
2 -
3 - Tehran University
4 - Tehran University
5 - Tehran University
Keywords: Absorption capacity, knowledge storage, network structure, innovative performance,
Abstract :
The innovative performance of companies has been studied quite extensively and for a long period of time. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of network structure, knowledge stock and absorptive capacity on innovative performance of Tehran knowledge- based companies. About 132 companies were selected as the sample in Tehran province, Iran. In order to collect data, standard questionnaires of innovative performance with 10 questions, absorption capacity with 8 questions, network structure with 4 questions, and knowledge stock were also used with 7 questions. In all items were measured using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree). Data collected through a questionnaire which its validity confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) software Smart- PLS 2.0. The results showed that the network structure, knowledge stock and absorptive capacity effect on performance knowledge-based companies. Also, the absorptive capacity have had partial and complete (perfect) mediating role on the relationship between knowledge stock with innovative performance and network structure with innovative performance. In addition, the absorptive capacity (0.48) has the largest and network structure has the lowest rank in explaining performance of innovative companies.
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