Investigation of the Relationship among factors affecting Science Development, Technology Development and Economic Growth in Iran using System Dynamics
Subject Areas : General
Hooman Shababi
mahmood yahyazadehfar
saeid rasekhi
meysam shirkhodaei
1 - Faculty Member of Rahedanesh Institute of Higher Education, Babol, Iran
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Keywords: Science development, technology development, economic growth, system dynamics, scenario,
Abstract :
Knowledge-Based services and high-tech industries contributions in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of countris are increasing, since these contributions are reaching about 40 percent in countries such as USA. Entrance of Knowledge and technology elements in production function means an enormous increase in returns and ignorance from the daily importance of technology in economic growth and development will lead to a gap between developed and poor countries, exponentially. The present research reviewed the related literature of the three fields of science development, technology development and economic growth and their relationships thoroughly, and found 14 cofactors that affect the three fields and their relationships. Using experts' suggestions (13 Iranian experts which resides in Iran and abroad), the cofactors were applied in system dynamics approach in Vensim software to test the relationship and dynamics of the three fields in Iran in four different scenarios and in a 10-year period. The results showed that the three fields are interact with eachother in a complex, interwined structure in Iran and political- economic convergence is the key factor in this relationship. The results will be useful for policymakers of the three fields in Iran.
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