Identification and Analysis on Systemic failures of Iranian National Innovation System
Subject Areas : General
jafar bagherinejad
ahmadreza kasraei
hooman farshad
1 - Faculty of Engineering, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
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Keywords: National Innovation System, Systemic Problems, Innovation Policy, Structural Equation Modeling,
Abstract :
National innovation system(NIS) includes a series of organizations and institutions at the national level which aims to incorporate in developing and diffusion of science and technology and creates innovation climate. Governments in this system develop and implement their innovation policy. In systemic approach besides problems of each elements of this system ,there is another failure which related to interactions of the system elements, that is called systemic failure. In this research , at first by reviewing the literature conceptual framework of national innovation system of Iran is presented. Then, in a field study by distribution of 350 questionnaires among Iranian innovation experts and specialists and using structural equation modeling technique , analyzing of interactions and their impacts on each other and effectiveness of national innovation system has been done. In this research, the elements of NIS of Iran consists of strategies of transfer and diffusion of technology, structural elements, innovation drivers and legislations frameworks. Findings of this research show that the most important systemic failure of NIS of Iran is lack of effectiveness of legislations frameworks’ impacts on innovation drivers. Identification and analysis of systemic failures can lead to appropriate policies for each elements and at last upgrade the performance of national innovation system.
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