Presenting the Policy Model of the National Media for the Production of Multimedia Content in the Virtual Space Based on the Fifth Generation of the Internet
Subject Areas : Special
Zahra Molla Babaei
BiBi Sadat Miresmaeili
HamidReza Hoseini Dana
AliReza Talkhabi Alishah
1 - PhD student, Department of Media Management, Faculty of Humanities, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran
2 - ** Assistant Professor, Department of Media Management, Faculty of Humanities, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Media Defense Research Group, Faculty of Humanities, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran
Keywords: Policy Making, Multimedia Content, Virtual Space, Fifth Generation Internet, National Media Policy, Social Responsibility of National Media,
Abstract :
This article was done with the aim of designing a national media policy model on the audio and video content of virtual space with an emphasis on the fifth generation internet. The current article is an applied-developmental research in terms of its purpose, and it is a survey-cross-sectional research from the point of view of the data collection method. The community of participants in the qualitative section includes managers with experience of the Supreme Council of Virtual Space and in the quantitative section it also includes media activists of the country. To analyze the expert interviews, the qualitative analysis of the theme and the data from the questionnaire were also analyzed with the partial least squares method. The results showed that the overarching themes of the model are: foundational factors, technical factors, and media-related factors. The foundational factors include managerial, legal and cultural factors; Technical factors include technology factors and fifth generation internet and finally media-related factors include: interaction with new media, national media policy, social responsibility of national media and multimedia content of virtual space. Also, the research findings showed that, based on the research model, managerial, legal, scientific and cultural factors have an impact on national media policy making. On the other hand, the 5th generation internet provides basic conditions and the social responsibility of the national media is also an intervening factor that affects the interaction with new media. Finally, by interacting with new media, it is possible to develop the multimedia content of virtual space
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