Identifying the necessary standards for trading in the future markets of agricultural products with the foundation data method and ranking with the TOPSIS method
Subject Areas : Special
farahnaz kariminejad
Gholamreza Yavari
Mehdi Kazemnejad
1 - PhD student, Department of Agricultural Economics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, , Payame Noor University , Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Planning Research, Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Future Market - Agricultural Products -Standard Identification -Data Base Theory - Fuzzy TOPSIS.,
Abstract :
This research has been done with the aim of identifying and ranking the necessary standards for trading in future markets in agricultural products with a combined (qualitative-quantitative) method. The keywords obtained from previous research and interviews with experts were analyzed using the coding method (open coding, central coding and selective coding). These data, which were extracted from in-depth interviews with 17 people, were analyzed in three stages and 40 keywords were extracted, after applying changes (deletion and integration), it was finally decided to categorize all standards into six groups. The necessary standards for acceptance in the future markets include: income risk of products, cash market size, liquidity cost, degree of homogeneity, degree of commerciality and perishability. Also, the results of the ranking of the standards using the fuzzy TOPSIS method showed that; Product revenue risk, cash price fluctuations, liquidity cost, grade homogeneity, commerciality and perishability are important respectively
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