Network pattern of informal settlement’s policy problems based on DEMATEL technique
Subject Areas :Hadi Khanmohammadi 1 * , Hosein Aslipour 2 , لیلا شمس 3
1 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
3 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Keywords: Informal settlementPublic policy making social harmDEMATEL technique,
Abstract :
Today one of the most important outcomes of urbanization is emergence and expansion of the phenomenon of informal settlements outside the formal urban development program. This phenomenon is considered a serious threat to the sustainability and cohesion of urban society because of its specific physical, social and legal features. Therefore, adopting special measures to regulate the present situation and prevent it from spreading in the future should be on the agenda of public managers and policy makers. This research identifies and structures the relationships between informal settlement policy problems to analyze the different challenges and issues, using DEMTEL technique as a soft decision making strategy. The results indicate that there are major problems such as the loss of the immigrant community and the lack of public services in informal settlements. These two challenges in the model are less effective and heavily influenced by other challenges within the model. These two challenges are less influenced by other factors and heavily effect on them. Solving these two challenges that affect more than 90 percent of the other factors in the model, at high intensity and directly, will help to solve many of the informal settlement challenges
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