The Political Thought of "Imam Musa Sadr" with a Focus on the Model of Convergence and Coexistence Among Ethnicities and Religions
Subject Areas : • Comparative studies in this fieldMahdi Ghasemi varjani 1 , abolfazl shakoori 2 * , Saiedalireza Hosseinibeheshti 3
1 - Ph.D in Political Thought, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
2 - Retired Associate Professor of Political Science Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
Keywords: Imam Musa Sadr, John Rawls, Convergence, Overlapping Consensus, Lebanon ,
Abstract :
Our world is not a single unified global community but one composed of diverse societies with distinct cultures—a diversity that has existed throughout history. Ethnicities, religions, and languages represent this irreducible plurality, arising from various origins and sources.
Thus, multicultural societies have developed within the contexts of ancient civilizations, preserving their plurality within the framework of legal boundaries and structures. Among these, Lebanon, with its historical background and as a multicultural society, deserves particular attention. Despite its small geographical size, Lebanon holds significant regional and trans-regional importance. Its influence and susceptibility to global and trans-regional events have been consistently evident throughout its history.
Lebanon, with its historical legacy, encompasses communities of various ethnicities, religions, and cultures, undoubtedly classifying it as a multicultural society. Ethnically, Lebanon consists predominantly of Arabs, with smaller groups of Kurds and Armenians (the latter considered a religious minority). However, its religious diversity is profound.
Lebanon is a society characterized by the coexistence of ethnic,
religious, and cultural communities, governed by a distinctive configuration of power and political structure. Yet, cultural and ethnic divisions pose significant challenges, which have nevertheless shaped the country’s political and social unity.
This study aims to employ Thomas Spragens' crisis theory as a framework for understanding political thought. It seeks to identify the challenges and issues of Lebanon’s multicultural society, analyze the underlying causes of its crises, and explore potential solutions based on proven experiences.
In the phase of reconstructing the ideal political society and offering remedies, the study evaluates John Rawls’ theory of overlapping consensus while analyzing the political thought of Imam Musa Sadr in the context of Lebanon’s multicultural society. This exploration underscores that the only viable path to resolving the political deadlock in countries like Lebanon lies in transitioning from temporary compromises to a political system based on overlapping consensus. This study finds that Imam Musa Sadr, as a leader of Lebanon’s Shia community, sought to transcend sectarian self-interest and establish the foundations for overlapping consensus among Lebanon’s sects, groups, and political parties through religious tolerance and mutual understanding.
Rawls argues that comprehensive doctrines (including religious ones) that insist on the exclusive truth of their beliefs, when granted political power, will impose those beliefs. Therefore, Rawls’ first step is to propose a political conception of justice detached from any comprehensive philosophical, religious, or ethical doctrine. The second step is overlapping consensus, demonstrating how this conception can gain acceptance among conflicting doctrines.
Accordingly, this study examines Rawls’ works on justice, political thought, and The Law of Peoples, alongside the writings, articles, and interviews of Imam Musa Sadr, particularly those addressing human roles in society, freedom, justice, and the role of religion. The objective is to extract strategies for coexistence and solidarity among Lebanon’s diverse ethnic and religious groups, based on Rawlsian overlapping consensus.
Through studying Imam Musa Sadr’s speeches and actions, this
research identifies his political thought and evaluates its alignment with Rawls’ overlapping consensus approach in fostering convergence and coexistence among Lebanon’s ethnic and religious groups. By analyzing his foundational ideas, the study derives his principles and strategies for achieving consensus.
Imam Musa Sadr’s engagement with politics was not that of a philosopher or theorist but rather a lived political experience. He did not theorize political issues but instead established a new socio-political mode of living through practice and experience. His political thought is thus original, directly addressing the real issues faced by the Lebanese society in which he operated.
As a reformist leader in Lebanon’s diverse society, Imam Musa Sadr presented a practical model compatible with its sociopolitical conditions (comprising various sects and religions). By introducing these ideas into the public domain and rejecting temporary compromises, he successfully overcame sectarian and secular dichotomies, working toward a cohesive society.
Imam Musa Sadr emphasized humanity and human dignity, defining justice and rights, and fostering solidarity and mutual respect. He paved the way for freedom and justice in a multicultural society, arguing that unity and harmony must be achieved through genuine respect and trust rather than compromise. He envisioned a society where all sects and religions pursue their rights while contributing to national interests and social solidarity, advancing toward a just society.
Imam Musa Sadr’s ideas on justice are rooted in creation and derived from the Creator. Consequently, adherence to divine laws and principles constitutes justice itself. He sought to correct disparities and inequalities through restorative justice, guiding them toward consensus and convergence. Aligning with Rawlsian overlapping consensus, he aimed to establish a unifying divine government with shared objectives in Lebanon’s multicultural society.
In addressing the dual concepts of temporary compromise and overlapping consensus in Lebanon’s multicultural society, Imam Musa Sadr articulated justice and rights while fostering solidarity and mutual respect. His efforts made Rawlsian institutional consensus a reality, paving the way for freedom and justice in a multicultural society. He maintained that unity and harmony must be built on trust and genuine respect rather than compromise.
In Lebanon’s multicultural and diverse context, Imam Musa Sadr took significant steps to strengthen coexistence. A cornerstone of his approach was fostering understanding and rapprochement between Sunni and Shia communities. His efforts in this direction were rooted in his earlier intellectual, religious, and anthropological principles, which laid the groundwork for his unity-oriented initiatives in Lebanon and other Islamic countries. Upon arriving in Lebanon in 1959, he immediately established friendly relations with Sunni scholars in Tyre, laying the foundation for interfaith dialogue.
Imam Musa Sadr viewed the Quranic concept of kalima sawaʾ (common ground) as a model for security, stability, and national cooperation within overlapping consensus. He promoted dialogue among Lebanon’s ethnic and religious groups, adopting a pluralistic perspective and striving for a uniquely Lebanese discourse.
One essential principle in fostering solidarity, according to Imam Musa Sadr, is mutual respect. With slight modification, this principle aligns closely with the conditions necessary for Rawlsian institutional consensus. As Rawls argues, institutional consensus requires political principles and ideals rooted in political justice and capable of engaging citizens’ foundational beliefs. Similarly, Imam Musa Sadr emphasized that any societal framework, from small village communities to large organizations like the United Nations, must rest on principles grounded in concrete realities, especially those tied to deep historical, geographical, human, and religious roots.
Drawing on rational principles, Imam Musa Sadr sought both theoretically and practically to establish a foundation for justice—particularly social, political, and economic justice. His efforts improved the conditions of Lebanon’s Shia community, transforming it from a marginalized and impoverished group into an empowered and influential segment of Lebanese society.
In summary, this research concludes that the only path out of political deadlock in countries like Lebanon lies in transitioning from temporary compromises to a political system based on overlapping consensus. The hypothesis of this study rests on the political thought of Imam Musa Sadr, emphasizing peaceful coexistence among Lebanon’s religious, sectarian, and ethnic groups through the Rawlsian model of overlapping consensus rather than temporary compromise. This approach, as seen in a key period of Lebanese history, highlights the dangers of reverting to temporary compromises in contemporary Lebanon, which could perpetuate political deadlock in its multicultural society.
Keywords: Imam Musa Sadr, John Rawls, Convergence, Overlapping Consensus, Lebanon
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