Designing a Model for Human Resources monitoring with an emphasis on the requirements and challenges
Subject Areas :
saeed jafarinia
usef vakili
Akbar Hasanpour
Fariborz Shadbakht
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Khwarazmi University
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Khwarazmi University
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Khwarazmi University
4 - Doctoral student of Faculty of Management, Khwarazmi University
Keywords: Human resource monitoring, system theory, requirements, challenges,
Abstract :
This article is the result of a study conducted at the headquarters of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture with the aim of designing a model of human resource surveillance with an emphasis on the requirements and challenges of its implementation. In terms of purpose, this research was among the developmental researches that were implemented with a qualitative and quantitative approach. In order to achieve the above goal, after studying the background of the subject, first with semi-structured and in-depth interviews with experts, the dimensions and components of the requirements and challenges required to design the model based on system theory were determined and then designed to confirm the model. Quantitative method was used using confirmatory factor analysis method. Samples in the qualitative section using the targeted sampling method in the number of twenty people and in the quantitative section in the number of two hundred people with the criteria of new selection and the amount of education related to human resources, at least ten years of experience in human resources and familiarity with structure and organization They were selected, then the components of the interview were extracted using MAXQDA 2018 software. The results of MAXQDA software output showed that out of eighty-three initial calculated components, eighty-one components were approved in the input, process, output, results and effects stages, and in order to validate the findings of the interview from Maxwell's theoretical validity and Lincoln's and Guba's methods were used in the qualitative section, and the reliability of the data obtained from the interview was reported to be 0.97 using the Holistic reliability coefficient. Also, to evaluate the appropriateness of the data to perform the confirmatory factor analysis, the calculated KMO test equal to 0.712 and K2=8634 with the degree of freedom 16599 and the alpha coefficient of 0.001 of the appropriateness of the data for the confirmatory factor analysis were confirmed. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis test measuring the fitness evaluation criteria of the factor load factor measurement model of the components greater than 0.7 and the fitness evaluation criteria of the structural model with T.value above 1.96 at the significance level of 0.05 and R.square criterion above 0.67 indicate the approval of 81 computational components in It has a quality method.
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