Implementation of Green Library Component in Iranian academic libraries
Subject Areas : planning; Environmental education and management
Fatemeh Rezaeimanesh
mohsen Haji Zeinolabedini
Amir Reza Asnafi
1 - Shahid Beheshti University
2 - Shahid Beheshti University
3 - Shahid Beheshti University
Keywords: Academic Libraries, Sustainable development, Green Libraries, Lead Standard, Green Culture,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to identify the status of green library components in the central libraries of the target community, clarify the role of libraries in implementing the culture of a green community and provide solutions and strategies to fill existing gaps and implement a green library. The research method is survey-descriptive. The statistical population includes the libraries of level one universities of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education in terms of space, equipment and manpower. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. Then the data obtained were analyzed at the level of descriptive statistics with SPSS software and by calculating the mean, standard deviation, absolute frequency and frequency percentage. The research findings showed that the central library of level one university of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education are not in a good condition due to the green components and the standard lead. To have a green academic library, one should start by promoting green thinking and culture in the society, because many of our problems in this field are rooted in culture and misuse of natural and non-renewable resources. The results of the present study can inform libraries about their current situation that how they are far from the ideal situation and use the strategies presented in this study to implement a green library to have a green academic library. We do not necessarily have to start with a green building, these libraries have green missions and they can be known as the green library by implementing several green components in their library.
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